  • Dogs & Country

    My Fritlex is two months old!

    In the month of August, browsing Facebook, I saw a very peculiar bag posted by a friend of mine and decided I wanted more information. I asked her, and she told me only good things about the bag and about the brand. This is how I discovered Fritlex, a small Italian company producing artisan made (handmade) bags created with recycled materials. Used inner inner tubes are the soul of these bags but also the bags’s lining is recycled. Fritlex bags come in different shapes and colours, well… wait a minute, I should not call the beautiful graphics on them “colours”! The man who invented this brand, Alex Gavazza, in fact,…

  • Dogs & Country

    La mia Fritlex compie due mesi!

    Nello scorso mese di agosto, navigando su Facebook, ho visto la fotografia di una borsa molto particolare e sono subito corsa ad informarmi, scoprendo soltanto buone cose. E’ così che ho scoperto il marchio Fritlex, una piccola ditta italiana (la sede è in provincia di Vercelli) che produce borse artigianali, fatte a mano, con materiali riciclati. Il cuore delle borse, infatti, è costituito da camere d’aria riciclate, ma anche le fodere interne sono fatte con stoffe di seconda mano. Le borse Fritlex esistono in vari modelli e colori, è un po’ inappropriato parlare di colori dal momento che si tratta di splendidi disegni. Alex Gavazza, l’uomo che ha inventato le…

  • Dogs & Country

    On Italians training, hunting and trialing abroad

    Italy won the European Cup for British Pointing Breeds (Grande Quete),  the European Championship for English Setters and the European Championship for English Pointers (other results are still pending at the moment).  Everybody is happy, but many rumours started and the social media went crazy. I read every sort of rumors, polemics, attacks and accuses, which I do not want to spread further, but two topics deserve a deeper analysis, especially the second one. People complain about dogs whose nationality changes to make them able to enter the competition. Right? Wrong? I think this is a grey area. Italy has a huge number of dogs whose natural qualities make them…

  • Dogs & Country

    Field trials and… the (half) naked woman

    When I write that Italian field trials, and Italy itself, are a world apart and that they are unpredictable… I mean it! Yesterday I reached the venue with quite a delay after wandering in the fog for about an hour. What happened? Nothing unusual: the local government decided to close a bridge because it was going to collapse, a very good thing but… drivers would have enjoyed a “slightly” less vague description of the alternate route. Last summer a dog (MY dog) made my fall into a farm ditch fully provided with livestock waste. I a professional dog trainer, whose truck was equipped with a water hose for dogs, later…

  • A Month on the Moor,  Dogs & Country

    Entering a trial: Italy vs UK. Part I: Italy

    It seems easy but it is not! Let’s start from Italy. How can you enter a trial in Italy? Well… You first have to find the trial. Trials are held almost daily in different part of the country, all year round but for spring and early summer (during this period there are still some trials on quail). To further complicate things, the ENCI (Italian Kennel Club) allows some Italian trials to be run abroad, in places such as Serbia, Poland and more. Anyway, let’s say you want to stick to Italy, all you have to do is go to the ENCI website and click on the section Manifestazioni e Eventi,…

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