Dogs & Country

  • Dogs & Country

    Harkila Spring/Summer: our Picks

    Like many of you, I recently received Harkila newsletter showing the new products for Spring and Summer 2017. Obviously there are many nice things, but I decided to play around with the catalogue and choose  4 items (2 for men and 2 for women) which, for some reasons, I believe to be the most attractive. Let’s start with men, it was difficult to pick only two things, as the there are so many garments for them but my picks are the followings: Herlet Tech Trousers. Why do I like them? Because of the insect shield meant to keep ticks and other bugs away, interesting uh? My second choice is a pair…

  • Dogs & Country

    A Letter from Hogwarts, on Unicorns

    Dear Miss Granger, I am answering here to your doubts on unicorn Standards. Standards were written in ancient times by magicians that had a deep knowledge of unicorns, and of dragons as well, in working conditions. Unfortunately, nowadays, only a few muggles, have achieved the same degree of knowledge and practical expertise.  The average muggle breeder is aware that the Standard demands a certain physical trait, but he does not really understand what it means. Words do not give him a real image. Furthermore, he does not know the reason that makes some traits so desirable. In ancient times, a muggle was capable of judging a unicorn properly, but  he…

  • Dogs & Country

    Una lettera da Hogwarts, sugli unicorni

    Gentile Signorina Granger, qui rispondo alle Sue perplessità in merito selezione degli unicorni. Gli Standards, furono scritti originariamente da maghi che avevano una solida conoscenza di unicorni, ed anche di draghi, in condizioni di lavoro. Sfortunatamente pochi babbani, oggi, possiedono la conoscenza e l’esperienza che deriva dalla pratica. L’allevatore babbano sa che lo Standard richiede una certa caratteristica, ma non sempre si rende conto di cosa questo significhi realmente, perché le espressioni verbali non gli forniscono un’immagine reale. Ancor meno conosce il motivo per cui determinate caratteristiche siano desiderabili. Ci fu un tempo in cui un babbano poteva giudicare un unicorno ma dal momento che le istituzioni se lo presero,…

  • Dogs & Country

    Chi è sbagliato?

    Oggi parliamo di cani unicorni. Ho scelto gli unicorni perché posso dire le stesse cose che direi sui cani senza che la gente si metta sulla difensiva. Perché… Quando tiri in ballo argomenti caldi, ci sono un sacco di persone diventano agressive assertive. È cominciato tutto qualche giorno fa, in un segretissimo gruppo Facebook, fatto da persone che si conoscono da più di vent’anni. Ci sono allevatori, giudici, addestratori, ciascuno portabandiera della sua razza. Ci sono anche un sacco di veterinari, e chiunque si renda conto di cosa sia la facoltà di medicina veterinaria sa quanto queste persone debbano essere determinate per laurearsi. Quindi, mettine un po’ insieme e avrai…

  • Dogs & Country

    Which one is wrong?

    Today we are going to talk about dogs unicorns. I choose unicorns because I can say the same things I would write about dogs and, at the same time,  avoid people getting defensive. Because… When you discuss some hot topics, plenty of people can turn aggressive assertive. It all started a few days ago, in a super secret Facebook group, made of people who have been knowing each other for about 20 years. There are plenty of breeders, judges, trainers, scholars, involved with different breeds.  In such a diversity, there are also plenty of vets and… anyone familiar with Italian Vet Schools knows how strong willed these people need to…

  • Dogs & Country,  Training

    Dare fiducia a uno spirito libero

    Questo articolo nasce dalla passeggiata in campagna di stamattina, le mie camminate in campagna sono sempre buona fonte di ispirazione! Oggi ho pensato che, quando esci con un setter inglese, tutti i tuoi sensi devono essere attivi al fine di localizzare il cane che, come la razza comanda, appare e scompare. Lo puoi sentire quando è dietro agli alberi, o quando sta uscendo da un cespuglio; lo puoi vedere quando corre libero si terreni aperti. A volte, quando si rotola in “qualcosa”, ne puoi perfino sentire l’odore. No, non puoi sentirne il sapore, né toccarlo ma, negli anni, hai sicuramente sviluppato un sesto senso capace di dirti dove si trova…

  • Dogs & Country,  Training

    Trusting a Free Spirit

    This article stems from this morning walk. My walks in the countryside are always a good source of inspiration. Today I realized that, when you are “walking” an English Setter, all your senses have to be well alert in order to locate the dog who, as the breed demands, appears and disappears from your sight. You can hear him when is behind the trees, or coming out from a bush; you can see him when he is running free on a open ground. You can sometimes even smell him when he rolls into “something” and, no, you cannot taste nor touch him but, along the years, you have surely developed…

  • Dogs & Country

    Who we are

    Who we are Rossella Di Palma Grows up among books, dogs, horses and other animals, never imagining that, one day, she would have been on the other side of the fence. After graduating (master level degree) in English Language and Literature and after a fellowship at Mount Holyoke College (USA), she started writing (and taking pics!) for dogs and shooting magazines. She became a professional journalist, published two books and took care of some other editorial projects and later graduated in veterinary medicine Rossella is an English Setter enthusiast and  pointing dogs are her favourites but, being terribly curious, she is always happy to watch and enjoy dogs belonging to…

  • Dogs & Country

    Dog Emotion & Cognition (ITA)

    All’inizio di dicembre io e un’amica abbiamo completato una class sul comportamento canino offerta dalla Duke University (North Carolina -USA).  Il tutto senza uscire di casa, abbiamo seguito le lezioni e superato gli esami online attraverso Che cos’è? Si tratta di una piattaforma che offre classi online che offre coesi online mettendo in contatto le istituzioni e gli studenti. Ho frequentato la mia prima classe nel 2013 Drugs and the Human Brain (offerta CalTech), un corso difficile con un sacco di biochimica, neutrasmettitori, circuiti nervosi… Avevo scelto questo corso per imparare di più sugli effetti degli psicofarmaci nel cane e ho imparato anche parecchie cose che mi sono tornate utili per il mio…

  • Dogs & Country

    Dog Emotion and Cognition

    Earlier in December a friend an I completed a class about dog behaviour offered by Duke University. This was done without leaving our homes, and by attending the lessons (and getting graded!) online, through What is Coursera is a platform which offers online classes, it basically connects institutions and student.  I attended my first Coursera class in 2013, it was Drugs and the Human Brain (by CalTech), a though course with plenty of biochemistry, neuro transmitters, neuronal pathways and so on. I picked this class as I wanted to know more on the effects of drugs described for dog behavioural problems in dogs. I ended up learning a…

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