  • A Month on the Moor

    Goodbye Durham Co.

    The car has been loaded (again!) and tomorrow will drive me to Reeth first and to Glenlivet second. I checked with the new B&B about  three times and they are waiting for me, it will be a farm and I hope it will be as nice as this one.  Why did I check three times? Because here in Woodland it happened that for one night, my room had been booked twice: once by me via e-mail and once by someone else through an Internet booking site! The problem was later solved but not without a panic attack! Today I spent my last day in Durham Co. Happy days, wonderful landscape,…

  • A Month on the Moor

    On Italian humans in the Uk

    Is Rossella fine? Yes, of course she is. I wrote a lot about Briony in the last article, so let’s say a little about things seen through my eyes. It took two days to reach Northern England. I drove through Switzerland (beautiful scenery but slow drivers and much traffic) and France, none around and very boring landscape. I drove to France the day after Nice’s terrorist attack, all was very sad and silent. My hotel was fine at the first sight: extra large comfy bed but… we had a visitor in the room, it was a cockroach and, on the following day Briony was loaded with fleas! There were cats…

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