  • Dogs & Country

    Warmness: I love my Harkila Kana

    The time for a final review has come. I received my Kana suit right before Christmas and I decided to give the jacket some rest right before Easter but, the weather changed and we hung around until the beginning of May. My impressions? If you want to know more about the Kana technical features, and get a detailed description of the suit (jacket and trousers), click here to read the first part of my review. Today I am going tell you what I think of them after having field tested them for several months. First of all, I must tell you that we had a very cold and foggy winter,…

  • Dogs & Country

    E’ Arrivato Babbo Natale!

    Qualche giorno fa ho ricevuto una chiavetta USB dalla mia insegnante di Pilates e una tazza con Biancaneve (lunga storia) e ho pensato che questi fossero i miei primi regali di Natale. Errore! Grave Errore! Un super pacco era arrivato qualche settimana fa, via renna dalla Scandinavia. Quando il corriere ha suonato il campanello, mi sono completamente dimenticata dei pittori che mi avevano occupato la casa. Ho saltato tutti gli ostacoli tra me e la porta e ho corso anche più velocemente quando ho riconosciuto il pacco. Dopo aver testato il completo Jerva, ho inviato la recensione a M.B., aka “l’uomo Harkila”.  Gli è piaciuta molto e mi ha chiesto se…

  • Dogs & Country

    Santa Claus is Coming to Town!

    A couple of days ago, I received a USB key from my Pilates teacher and a Snowhite mug (long story….). I thought these were my first Christmas gifts. I realized later that I was terribly wrong: a giant package had arrived earlier in December, via reindeer from Scandinavia. When the courier rang my bell, I rushed to the door forgetting about the painters who were taking care of my house. I jumped each obstacle between me and the door, and I ran even faster to the gate as soon as I recognized the package! After finishing testing the Jerva suit, I sent my review to M.B., aka “the Harkila Man”.…

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