  • A Month on the Moor

    English Summer Trials: Daily Life

    People keep asking about British trials…. but they always forget to ask about daily life during these trials! A brief recap: I watched Champion Stake 2015 (this falls into “English Summer Trials); participated in English and Scottish summer trials in 2016; participated in English partridge trials in Norfolk (autumn trials) in 2017. Now I am just back from English summer trials 2018 and I am still incredibly tired: summer trials are not really a relaxing holiday, probably they are not a holiday at all! I have to admit that Autumn Partridge trials, in spite of being less flashy, are perfectly suitable to the average human being, whereas Grouse Summer trials…

  • A Month on the Moor

    A Shocked France

    A Shocked France: From Basel to Saint Quentin How was that? Creepy, one of the weirdest trips I ever had. As said earlier, I did not want to be in France on the 14th of July feeling something was going to happen. Well, I was right but being there on the 15th  was even worse. As soon as I crossed the border, French radio stations went on and it was awful. France was shocked about what just happened and did not try to hide it. There were almost no cars, nor trucks on the road and radio stations had no music, only endless talks about terrorism and death. It was surreal:…

  • A Month on the Moor

    Switzerland and Team Bond :-)

    Somebody asked whether I forgot about the “ A Month on the Moor” section. No! I did not, I am just busy with so many things to do at the same time, like always! This is why I am “taking advantage” of Tok Mostert writings on training but… I still want to tell my tale. So, let’s try to be brief and remember some things about the day I left from Italy. It was July 15th and I had set this date because I did not want to be in France on the 14th. I somehow felt something was bound to happen on that day, France national day. I was…

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