  • Dogs & Country

    Happy Holidays – Buone feste

    Italiano in basso Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 2017 has been an interesting but very busy here: there were (are) many articles for you in my mind  but almost no time to write them down. but I promise I’ll keep trying to publish interesting contents on the blog. The Gundog Research Project (click to check) is still in progress, waiting for me to pass my last (yahoo) veterinary medicine exam.  I also set up an Instagram account to keep in touch with readers more easily… but I will keep writing and we also have a Facebook page. I also want to thank two unexpected contributors who gave a lot…

  • Dogs & Country

    So this is Christmas…

    Dogs & Country wants to wish all its readers Merry Christmas  and a wonderful 2017. Before writing this paragraph, I (Rossella) did a short research on why Christmas is Christmas, and why it is celebrated on Dec 25th. “Something like Christmas” existed long before Christians transformed  the day in their most important holiday. So, while respecting any religious views, I came up to my own conclusion: I think that this special day placed at the end of December has many purposes and multiple meanings. I think, for example, that it is meant to cheer up people during the dark months of winter; to celebrate the incoming awakening of nature and…

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