  • Dogs & Country,  The Gundog Project

    Il periodo giovanile e lo sviluppo di paure

    Il Periodo Giovanile viene fatto iniziare a 12 settimane (presunto termine del Periodo di Socializzazione) e fatto terminare a 6 mesi o, tenendo conto della velocità di maturazione propria di ciascuna razza, al raggiungimento della maturità sessuale (Serpell et al., 2017). Gli effetti di ciò che accade in questa fase sulla futura personalità del cane sono stati studiati relativamente poco (Serpell et al., 2017), ma alcuni lavori presenti in letteratura (Dehasse, 1994; Foyer et al., 2014; Serpell e Duffy, 2016) parrebbero confermare che le esperienze vissute nell’arco del Periodo Giovanile possano influenzare in maniera duratura quello che sarà il comportamento di un soggetto. Fox (1971 e 1978), Woolpy e Ginsburg (1967) e Woolpy (1969)…

  • Dogs & Country

    Happy Holidays – Buone feste

    Italiano in basso Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 2017 has been an interesting but very busy here: there were (are) many articles for you in my mind  but almost no time to write them down. but I promise I’ll keep trying to publish interesting contents on the blog. The Gundog Research Project (click to check) is still in progress, waiting for me to pass my last (yahoo) veterinary medicine exam.  I also set up an Instagram account to keep in touch with readers more easily… but I will keep writing and we also have a Facebook page. I also want to thank two unexpected contributors who gave a lot…

  • The Gundog Project


    For those filling out the survey. We are working on collecting a few items which will be drawn among all those who filled out the survey. So far Craig Koshyk, from Canada, of Dog Willing Publications kindly donated one of his books  (Pointing Dogs, Volume 1, The Continentals) worth 99 dollars Josh Wiggins, from Texas is donating a Texas Leash and Collar  Luca Zaninoni, from Italy, is donating a coupon for a T-shirt with the design of your choice among those available on is website Sanguemiele Design and I am going to braid a lanyard in the colours of your choice and I offer a free photographic session. We are looking forward…

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