Medical alert bracelets &… dog collars!

My last meeting with the allergist made me realize they exists. While googling around for an epinephrine thermo bag, I spotted them: I know, I am terrible, I can find a shopping side in everything! They looked very “American” to me, and Americans seem to have made one for any possible disease, dandruff included. Medical alert bracelets were originally created for life threatening diseases, which can make you faint before the paramedics arrive. They are also highly recommended for children and patients with autism and dementia. These bracelets are meant to be read by paramedics, doctors and nurses: knowing that you suffer from diabetes, epilepsy or allergies, for example, allows them to administer the proper therapy without delays. But.. I do wonder… Do paramedics check for them? And how should a medical alert bracelet look like? Some bracelets are incredibly ugly, while the pretty one are often too similar to ordinary jewellery and might go unnoticed.

On the other hand, getting closer and closer to become a real vet, such idea appeals me. Sometimes dogs suffering from chronic diseases go missing and owners, besides worrying for the dog himself, worry about his health: a potential rescuer might not realize right away that the dog needs immediate medical care. Cushing disease, epilepsy, diabetes and heart disease are some of the issues that come into my mind. As a vet (almost…), I would be happy to see dogs wearing a tag or a specific tiny collar mentioning the problem. Opinions are welcome.