Goodbye Durham Co.
The car has been loaded (again!) and tomorrow will drive me to Reeth first and to Glenlivet second. I checked with the new B&B about three times and they are waiting for me, it will be a farm and I hope it will be as nice as this one. Why did I check three times? Because here in Woodland it happened that for one night, my room had been booked twice: once by me via e-mail and once by someone else through an Internet booking site! The problem was later solved but not without a panic attack! Today I spent my last day in Durham Co. Happy days, wonderful landscape,…
On Italian humans in the Uk
Is Rossella fine? Yes, of course she is. I wrote a lot about Briony in the last article, so let’s say a little about things seen through my eyes. It took two days to reach Northern England. I drove through Switzerland (beautiful scenery but slow drivers and much traffic) and France, none around and very boring landscape. I drove to France the day after Nice’s terrorist attack, all was very sad and silent. My hotel was fine at the first sight: extra large comfy bed but… we had a visitor in the room, it was a cockroach and, on the following day Briony was loaded with fleas! There were cats…
Briony ai field trials (Prima Settimana)
AVVERTENZA PER I LETTORI ITALIANI: questo articolo non sostituisce il testo inglese che potete trovare qui, lo integra. Se conoscete l’inglese vi consiglio di leggere entrambi. Comunque, come avrete capito, al momento mi trovo nel Nord dell’Inghilterra e partecipo a field trials (prove di lavoro) inglesi. Perché questa scelta? Perché lo scorso anno sono stata qui e ho assistito al Champion Stake rimanendo assolutamente affascinata dai luoghi, dai selvatici e dal tipo di addestramento a cui i cani vengono sottoposti. Il Champion Stake è la prova d’eccellenza ma, mediamente, si tende a ottenere quel livello di addestramento, una cosa da noi mai vista se non nel mondo del Deutsch Drahthaar…
The adventures of Miss Briony in the moorlands (Week 1)
I am writing in English as I get messages from people from all over the world asking me questions, an Italian version might follow. Well, I finally have a moment to write down what I experienced during last week. I reached the UK (after a long trip through Switzerland and France) only seven days ago, and so many things have already happened. First of all I AM HERE! There had been moments and happenings during which I felt almost sure this dream of mine was going to remain… Just a dream. Let’s go back to what happened last year. In July 2015, I came to the UK to watch the…
L’italiano medio e l’educazione cinofila
Torno, dopo una pausa forzata, con qualcosa di limitatamente country, ma necessario. Questa mattina mi sono recata a fare un turno di addestramento. A causa del caldo, il turno è stato molto breve ed essendo “di strada” ho pensato di fare un salto in un noto centro commerciale della zona per comprare un reggiseno in saldo! Pensavo che, essendo ancora presto, i miei connazionali fossero a casa loro e che avrei offerto al cane la possibilità di rinfrescarsi. Briony visita negozi e centri commerciali sin da cucciola (li usavo per socializzarla) e le piacciono, basta che non ci si fermi troppo a lungo e o ci sia troppa folla. Da…