The Project
The Project
Dogs & Country was born in January 2013. It was a sunny and chilly morning and Rossella was walking the dog when an idea came into her mind. Why do not create something that would allow a direct connection between writers and readers? Why not to have a space in which we could be totally free? Why not to take advantage of the web?
The web attracts writers and journalists who are used to work for traditional paper magazines, it is very tempting and… temptation won over us. It took almost one year to understand how to set up a blog and how to make it work. We researched, planned and meditated. We are writers, not computer experts, which means we are trying to build this blog step b step. We are still getting used to the web but we want to offer our readers the same quality writings we are known for.
Here we want to write about dogs, but non only about, dogs because to us, everything related to country life matters! We love dogs, countryside and outdoors activities, writing about them is our own special way to express our gratitude for their existence. But, we cannot forget our readers and we wish to offer them some good contents, some food for thought and some fun!
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Dogs & Country writings cannot be copied and reproduced but can be distribuited and shared quoting the source. This means we are very happy if you make the contents of this blog circulate and if you share our articles, all we ask you is to mention the blog and the authors they come from.
Copyright © 2014-2017 Dogs and Country. All rights reserved.