Happy Holidays – Buone feste

Italiano in basso

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

2017 has been an interesting but very busy here: there were (are) many articles for you in my mind  but almost no time to write them down. but I promise I’ll keep trying to publish interesting contents on the blog. The Gundog Research Project (click to check) is still in progress, waiting for me to pass my last (yahoo) veterinary medicine exam.  I also set up an Instagram account to keep in touch with readers more easily… but I will keep writing and we also have a Facebook page.

I also want to thank two unexpected contributors who gave a lot to Dogs and Country last year. One is Tok Mostert, from South Africa, who wrote training related articles in English and Flavia Bullo who keeps sharing her wonderful dessert recipes in Italian.

So… well thank you for following us in 2017 and hope you will be still browsing these pages in 2018. Have a Merry Christmas (I ordered myself a tweed fox that is still traveling on Santa sled) and Happy New Year!


Buon Natale e felice anno nuovo. Il 2017 è stato un anno interessante ma anche piuttosto intenso. C’erano (ci sono) molti articoli in testa ma non abbastanza tempo per metterli per iscritto ma prometto che continuerò a fare del mio meglio per condividere dei contenuti interessanti. Il Gundog Research Project (cliccate qui per saperne di più) continua, in attesa che io passi l’ultimo esame che mi separa dalla laurea in medicina veterinaria.  Ho collegato al blog un account Instagram per rimanere in contatto con i lettori con più facilità,  e abbiamo anche una pagina Facebook.

Vorrei inoltre ringraziare due collaboratori apparsi all’improvviso: Tok Mostert, sudafricano, che ha scritto articoli di addestramento in inglese e Flavia Bullo con le sue ricette dei dolci.

Per cui… grazie per averci seguito nel 2017 e speriamo che restiate con noi nel 2017. Buon Natale… mi sono comprata un volpacchiotto in tweed che è ancora in viaggio… e  felice anno nuovo!

So this is Christmas…

Dogs & Country wants to wish all its readers Merry Christmas  and a wonderful 2017.

Before writing this paragraph, I (Rossella) did a short research on why Christmas is Christmas, and why it is celebrated on Dec 25th. “Something like Christmas” existed long before Christians transformed  the day in their most important holiday. So, while respecting any religious views, I came up to my own conclusion: I think that this special day placed at the end of December has many purposes and multiple meanings. I think, for example, that it is meant to cheer up people during the dark months of winter; to celebrate the incoming awakening of nature and  to provide some sort of closure before the new year starts. Christmas  is the moment you forget about the most mundane things and start thinking about yourself, you might feel sad and question which are your hopes, your wishes and so on.  Think about whole Santa Claus thing:  children are told to write a letter to Santa in which they ask for those much desired toys. Around Christmas time, adults are dragged along the same path and are forced to think about their dreams.  So, do adults also write letters to Santa? They will never admit but they surely do, the thing is kept well secret in their minds.

So thank you for reading and liking us,  keep calm if things get hectic and hug your dog, he (or she) wants you to be happy!

May your winter holidays be full of happiness and laughter.