  • The Gundog Project

    The Gundog Project – Gli Sponsor

    Ringraziamo: Luca Zaninoni di Sanguemiele Design che ha creato il nostro logo  e offre un coupon per una maglietta omaggio (date un’occhiata al suo sito e alla sua pagina FB Page, ha cose molto belle). Craig Koshyk della Dog Willing Publications che ci ha donato  uno dei suoi libri  (Pointing Dogs, Volume 1, The Continentals) affinché venga sorteggiato tra chi partecipa al sondaggio. Josh Wiggins, dal Texas che ci ha donato un guinzaglio con collare incorporato Texas Leash and Collar         Perché e come puoi trarre beneficio dal Gundog Research Project (clicca per leggere) Chi c’è dietro al progetto (clicca per leggere) Come compilare il questionario (clicca per leggere) Link al questionario Pagina…

  • The Gundog Project

    The Gundog Project – The Sponsors

    We would like to thank: Luca Zaninoni of Sanguemiele Design who designed our logo (Check out his website and his FB Page, he has great stuff). Craig Koshyk of Dog Willing Publications who kindly donated one of his books  (Pointing Dogs, Volume 1, The Continentals) to be drawn among those filling out the survey. Josh Wiggins donating a Texas Leash and Collar to be drawn among those filling out the survey Why and how to benefit from the Gundog Research Project (click here) The team behind the project (click here to discover more) How to fill out the questionnaire (click here) Online survey Main page Facebook page

  • The Gundog Project

    The Gundog Project

    In italiano qui The Gundog Research Project is a scientific research focusing on gundogs actively used for hunting and field trials. The project has been tailored on pointing dogs, but we are accepting contributions from spaniels and retrievers owners as well. The project stems from two elements: my love for gundogs and, on a more practical side, the need to write a research dissertation to graduate in Veterinary Medicine. Writing a dissertation is mandatory in Italy and, as it might require months of research, I opted to devote them to something I like, and from which animals and humans could benefit . Dogs have always played a huge role in…

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