  • Training

    There is no off season, just time off- by Tok Mostert

    Spring is drawing ever closer and our field season has pretty much closed down. It has been a long hard season for Flake, many hours, many miles and many birds. Off days where non existing: we always had a trial or a hunt going on, that was in between the training. A season like we had takes its toll on a dog, mentally and physically. No matter how well conditioned the dog may be at the start of a season, he is likely to lose weight during the peak of the season. Just like losing weight, a dog will also lose some discipline, it cannot be helped, or prevented, unless…

  • Dogs & Country

    Displasia dell’anca (biomeccanica)

    Sulla displasia dell’anca è stato scritto di tutto ma, studiando patologia chirurgica veterinaria, ogni tanto mi imbatto in cose che, probabilmente, non sono ancora note ad appassionati ed allevatori. Qualche giorno fa ho pubblicato un post su Facebook che riguardava la biomeccanica di questa articolazione e il post ha suscitato parecchio interesse, pertanto, ne parlerò anche qui in maniera più approfondita. Un’articolazione, qualsiasi articolazione, per lavorare bene deve essere correttamente costruita: le superfici articolari devono essere congruenti, in caso di incongruenza, infatti, alcune parti dell’articolazione, dovranno sopportare più peso di altre. Ci sono studi scientifici che hanno dimostrato che il massimo peso sopportabile dalla cartilagine è di 1kg/mm2. Prieur, un…

  • The Gundog Project


    Ci stiamo adoperando per raccogliere alcuni premi da sorteggiare tra chi ha partecipato al sondaggio. Per ora Craig Koshyk,  dal Canada, della Dog Willing Publications ci ha donato uno dei suoi libri books  (Pointing Dogs, Volume 1, The Continentals). Valore di mercato 99 dollari. Josh Wiggins, dal Texas ci ha donato un guinzaglio con collare incorporato Texas Leash and Collar Luca Zaninoni, di Sanguemiele Design, offre un buono per una maglietta a scelta tra quelle presenti sul suo sito. Io offro un portafischietto intrecciato a mano, colori a vostra scelta (massimo due), del valore di circa 15 euro e un servizio fotografico gratuito. Vogliamo aggiungere altri regali per ringraziare quelli che hanno contribuito alla“scienza”, quindi…

  • The Gundog Project

    The Gundog Project – Gli Sponsor

    Ringraziamo: Luca Zaninoni di Sanguemiele Design che ha creato il nostro logo  e offre un coupon per una maglietta omaggio (date un’occhiata al suo sito e alla sua pagina FB Page, ha cose molto belle). Craig Koshyk della Dog Willing Publications che ci ha donato  uno dei suoi libri  (Pointing Dogs, Volume 1, The Continentals) affinché venga sorteggiato tra chi partecipa al sondaggio. Josh Wiggins, dal Texas che ci ha donato un guinzaglio con collare incorporato Texas Leash and Collar         Perché e come puoi trarre beneficio dal Gundog Research Project (clicca per leggere) Chi c’è dietro al progetto (clicca per leggere) Come compilare il questionario (clicca per leggere) Link al questionario Pagina…

  • The Gundog Project

    The Gundog Project – The Sponsors

    We would like to thank: Luca Zaninoni of Sanguemiele Design who designed our logo (Check out his website and his FB Page, he has great stuff). Craig Koshyk of Dog Willing Publications who kindly donated one of his books  (Pointing Dogs, Volume 1, The Continentals) to be drawn among those filling out the survey. Josh Wiggins donating a Texas Leash and Collar to be drawn among those filling out the survey Why and how to benefit from the Gundog Research Project (click here) The team behind the project (click here to discover more) How to fill out the questionnaire (click here) Online survey Main page Facebook page

  • The Gundog Project

    The Gundog Project

    In italiano qui The Gundog Research Project is a scientific research focusing on gundogs actively used for hunting and field trials. The project has been tailored on pointing dogs, but we are accepting contributions from spaniels and retrievers owners as well. The project stems from two elements: my love for gundogs and, on a more practical side, the need to write a research dissertation to graduate in Veterinary Medicine. Writing a dissertation is mandatory in Italy and, as it might require months of research, I opted to devote them to something I like, and from which animals and humans could benefit . Dogs have always played a huge role in…

  • The Gundog Project

    How to fill out the questionnaire

    Unfortunately we need you to fill out a questionnaire for each dog and, unfortunately, we are also very interested in those of you who own and handle many dogs. The questionnaire was created ONLY for dogs used for shooting or competing in field trials (pointing dogs, spaniels and retrievers). These dogs must be purebred and have a pedigree. If your gundog is a pet, or a show dog, I am sorry but he cannot be included in our sample. The questionnaire might seem long at a first sight, but you can fill it out in a few minutes. We decided to have only a few compulsory questions, to make you…

  • The Gundog Project

    The team behind the project

    Some of you already know me, but I am going to introduce myself again to make you feel at ease. My academic background is the following: I have a Laurea Specialistica (equivalent of an MA) in Foreign Languages and Literatures (British Literature) earned with a grade of 110/110 cum laude from the University of Pavia (Italy); a Certificate of Asian Studies earned with Distinction from Mount Holyoke College (Massachusetts, USA) and I am going to graduate in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Milan (Italy). I also attended the Italian Veterinary Acupuncture Society School and several extracurricular courses on dog behaviour, neuroscience, wildlife management, writing, photography and more. Work &…

  • Training

    Too much of a gundog – by Tok Mostert

    As I walked through the door of the large gunshop, the familiar aroma of gun oil mixed with freshly ground coffee filled my sense of smell. The well stocked bookshelves drew my attention and I headed to the dog training section, maybe hoping to find a quick fix to training a better gundog. With a pile of books under my arms, I settled in the plush leather couch to learn a thing or two, I did learnt something, but not what I wanted. The generic layout is one thing, but every chapter in every book that covers selecting a puppy may as well have been plagiarism, it is way too…

  • Training

    A Time to Reflect (on Training) by Tok Mostert

    I am busy packing for a long holiday, Louise, my companion, says she is actually taking me away so that Flake can get some rest. There is truth in that, sometimes we get caught up in pushing so hard and trying to get to the next level with our gundogs that we forget to have fun, so should your dog. What few of us realize is that the “next level” holds more problems, more challenging training situations and that often we made a mistake in our initial training and that we now have to go back and fix that before we can move on. If you are serious about your…

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